Home / Finistère / Forêt de Carnoët

Looking up into the tree canopy

Image credit: Mark Berthelemy

There’s nothing I like better than walking amongst trees, especially in a mixed deciduous forest.

The forest here, between Quimperlé and Clohars-Carnoët, is large enough to get lost in, but small enough so that you never need to panic. Keep walking and you’ll find a road.

There are plenty of footpaths, mountain bike (VTT) routes, and even a short trim trail (parcours sportif).

Once you’ve had your exercise, you could follow it up with a crêpe at the Abbeye St Maurice, just around the corner.

Forêt de Carnoët, 29300 QUIMPERLÉ

Open in Google Maps

Last updated: November 30, 2022

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