Home / Côtes d'Armor / Étang de Kerné Uhel

Lake surrounded by forest

Image credit: Mark Berthelemy

The lake (étang) of Kerné Uhel was formed by the damming of the River Blavet north of Rostrenen. Park up at the Base Nautique and head either west or east to follow the path around the lake.

With the forest coming down to the water’s edge, and the almost complete absence of people, it feels like you could be in the wilds of Canada (at least it did in March).

The 12km walk around the lake takes about 3 hours at an adult pace, plus time for breaks. It’s not flat, but the climbs are mostly quite short.

If you’re tempted to let your dog off, be aware that the forest touches onto open fields containing livestock.

The majority of the damp spots have been covered with board walks. However there is one particularly muddy section to traverse carefully.

Highly recommended for a peaceful and not too strenuous walk.

Étang de Kerné Uhel, Pen Ar C'hoat, 22110 Trémargat

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Last updated: March 28, 2023

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